Maximizing Insurance Revenue Through Measurement-Based Care
What is measurement-based care? Measurement-Based Care (MBC) entails the systematic. administration of symptom rating scales and uses the results to. drive clinical decision making at the level of the individual patient.
Measurement-based care has been the gold standard for healthcare providers but has been elusive for the mental health provider until now. The advent of measurement-based care apps for the smartphone has changed the game in terms of providing MBC to clients at wholesale magnitudes.
According to an article published by the Jama Network:
Depression and other behavioral health disorders are increasing in the United States and worldwide. Evidence suggests that measurement-based care (MBC) or the use of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) to identify the extent of these problems and inform treatment decisions can improve usual care for these conditions.
However, it is underused; less than 20% of practitioners (17.9% of psychiatrists, 11.1% of psychologists, and 13.9% of masters-level practitioners) engage in MBC, and as little as 5% use it according to its empirically informed schedule (ie, every session). These rates reflect the status quo in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia despite policies recommending PRO use.
Numerous reviews and meta-analyses have summarized the evidence base for MBC, with a recent article highlighting MBC delivery in pragmatic trials and suggesting that its scale-up and spread is needed. However, no reviews, to our knowledge, have sufficiently summarized the barriers to using MBC in routine care and the strategies needed to implement MBC with fidelity. This narrative review addresses definitional issues, describes a concrete and evaluable operationalization of MBC fidelity, and summarizes the evidence base and utility of MBC.
The review also synthesizes the extant literature’s characterization of barriers to MBC and strategies for supporting its implementation, sustainment, and scale-up and summarizes the learnings from the review in a 10-point research agenda to improve the integration of MBC in routine care into clinical practice.
The realization that MBC could assist with treatment outcomes at this level can hardly be ignored, but the question is: how can private practices integrate MBC and still maintain their profitability?
This is the question that Practice Solutions and Blueprint have sought to answer!
Together, Practice Solutions and Blueprint are hosting a webinar for providers in private practice to learn how they can maximize their insurance revenue by utilizing measurement-based care. Join us on September 22nd and bring all of your questions for the Blueprint team and the Practice Solutions team!
The link to join is here!
We look forward to speaking with you then!