Your Billing Toolkit: Business Tools for Private Practice to Help Billing Run Smoothly
Going into Private Practice is an immense undertaking, but can be extremely rewarding if you put the time into developing your business....
3 Ways to Know When You Should Leave An Insurance Panel
As a therapist in private practice, you are no stranger to the multitudes of insurance companies that exist in the marketplace. You have...
1 Way to Increase Your Revenue
Using measurement-based care can increase your revenue. This blog helps you do that!
2 Ways to Credential a Group Practice...And Which You Should Pick
Choosing a model of private practice can be challenging, but this blog will get you started thinking about which to choose from
Your Private Practice Credentialing Process
This blog is to help make credentialing simple. Credentialing is the singular limiting factor in private practice.
3 Ways To Profit Through Insurance Billing
Taking insurance can lead to a lot of waste in your private practice. It doesn't need to. Follow our model to take insurance
Monument: A New Referral Source
A new resource has come to the mental health industry for the treatment of alcohol related disorders
New Practice Billing Toolbox Series 4 of 4: Systems and Processes
This blog will help the private practice owner develop a framework of medical billing that will help them to bill insurance successfully.
4 Resources to Help Add Telehealth Services
While other practices are thinking about what they are going to do to adjust to impending cash flow issues, you can be taking proactive...
So, You Want to Go Into Business With Your Spouse...
Main Points Create a shared goal with your spouse Play to your individual strengths Endurance and grittiness are key “What is it like...